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Dr Rosy Brooks Private Wellness Medical ClinicInitiative

I am a GP with over 25 years’ experience and accredited with the British Society of Lifestyle Medicine Core Accreditation. I became passionate about Lifestyle Medicine after realising the current medical model of reacting to disease and treating only with medications was failing most patients. Only by looking at the root cause can we make a real difference to how we feel and how we age. My mission, to empower patients to achieve optimal health and wellbeing through sustainable lifestyle changes, using behaviour change techniques, incorporating the pillars of Lifestyle Medicine.

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Lifestyle Clinic PilotInitiative

A 6 month pilot of a Lifestyle Clinic for a PCN with a mix of 1-2-1 GP, Health Coach appointments, Group Consultations and a Lifestyle Medicine Course for two cohorts of patients; Chronic Pain Management and Weight Management (BMI>30).

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Lifestyle Medicine in Physiotherapy Practice (ATO life.)Initiative

‘Incorporating Lifestyle Medicine into physiotherapy practice involves a holistic approach aimed at improving people’s overall health and wellbeing. ATO life. was founded by Abi Onuoha and is built on the foundation of optimising three key elements of health and wellbeing: physical, mental and social. It is understood that good health encompasses more than just the absence of physical symptoms; it involves nurturing a balance across these different dimensions.

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Lifestyle Physician, TEDx speaker & former NHS GP with a special interest in sustainable weight loss & wellbeing for professional womenInitiative

‘I left the NHS in 2019 to follow my heart. I’m a one of the original certified Lifestyle Medicine Physicians (2018), TEDx speaker, women’s wellbeing and sustainable weight loss advocate and former NHS GP.

But at the start, I kept my business a secret. I was ashamed to be working in the “private sector” fearful my colleagues would judge me and I felt guilty charging my patients money for their services.

I started Nourish in 2016, a private healthcare company specialising in helping women lose weight in a healthy and sustainable way instead of restrictive diets. Then in 2019 I left my role as an NHS GP for good. It was a combination of frustration with the traditional medical approach, personal experience and business success that made me take the leap.

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Live Well East LothianInitiative

Live Well is a charity that offers gentle exercise classes across the East Lothian region to help people get the exercise they need to live a healthier lifestyle, regardless of their medical condition or fitness ability. The classes are for those living with or recovering from chronic long-term conditions or events, or even for those just wishing to improve general stability and fitness whilst increasing social connectedness.

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Applying Lifestyle Medicine in Primary CareInitiative

Community wellness fayre where local wellness projects came together to showcase their work to the public.

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Prehabilitation & Optimisation of Surgical Outcomes Through Lifestyle MedicineInitiative

Prehabilitation is the practice of enhancing a patient’s functional capacity before surgery, with the aim of improving post-operative outcomes.

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I set up renew-lifestyle as I wanted to have more time to deliver more personalised care with lifestyle medicine and education on my own terms. Currently, I am doing a mixture of activities.

I work with a local NHS practice to deliver group menopause consultations every other Wednesday evening; although HRT is available, many women are keen to learn about lifestyle changes they need to do and what measures can help them during menopause.

I also offer online lifestyle and coaching consultations through my own renew-lifestyle website and with DRYM health a new company offering businesses personalised health coaching with tracking such as a CGM and oura ring.

I have been working with a local yoga teacher to deliver lifestyle advice during yoga for menopause sessions and am working with a personal trainer and dietician. When I have time I also write blogs for my website and have been doing some lifestyle related blogs and lunch and learn sessions for Doctor Care Anywhere a digital health company where I work as a clinical lead 2 days a week.

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Lifestyle Medicine JerseyInitiative

As a brand new organisation we received a small amount of funding to run a group education and behaviour change course here in Jersey. We are using it as a pilot to hopefully enable us to expand our offering into all chronic disease.

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Augusta Lifestyle GP ClinicInitiative

Augusta translates as “great” or “magnificent” from the old Roman name Augustin. As this was the name of many Roman Emperors back in the day, it was also my late father’s name. His life story and struggles empowered me to look for new ways of practising medicine.

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Active MenopauseInitiative

Physical activity can help to manage symptoms of perimenopause and menopause. Active Menopause provides resources and information to spread this message both to residents and healthcare professionals.

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Lifestyle ClinicLifestyle Medicine Service, North Lewisham PCN

Dr. Camille Hirons is a salaried GP in North Lewisham, the lead for Health inequalities in her PCN and a certified Lifestyle medicine physician. After studying the IBLM she was on a mission to bring lifestyle medicine to the NHS and more specifically the local population of North Lewisham. She was granted a two year SPIN fellowship to allow her the time to create a local NHS lifestyle medicine service.

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Complete Health Improvement ProgramInitiative

CompassLifestyleMedicine (CLM) have been commissioned to deliver the CHIP (Complete Health Improvement Program) to 100 people in Mid and South Essex who are taking medication for Type 2 Diabetes.

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Immersive Lifestyle Medicine EventInitiative

Wild-Ness Retreats was launched in January 2023 by Katharine, a GP, Lifestyle Medicine Physician and Open-water swimming coach. Offering a range of immersive educational experiences in grand homes amidst the Highlands, the four events to date attracted rave reviews and national media attention.

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Lifestyle Medicine in Real LifeCareer

Dr Richard Pile is a GP partner with diplomas in both Cardiology and Lifestyle medicine. He is a published author, blogger and podcaster. Learn more about how he puts LM into practice in real life here!

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Lifestyle Clinic Logo

Lifestyle ClinicInitiative

We created a clinic designed to use lifestyle as medicine. We have a multi-disciplinary team which includes a diabetes specialist nurse, lifestyle coach, a dietitian and a GP with an interest in obesity, weight management and diabetes remission.

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Lifestyle Medicine PhysicianCareer

Dr McCann has been incorporating lifestyle medicine into her practice, ensuring all 6 pillars are appropriately covered with her patients. She also has a monthly slot (first Wednesdays) on local LMFM radio to discuss lifestyle medicine and get the message out there. Dr McCann also launched Walk with a Doc as a monthly event in Ireland for patients and staff.

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nhs wales logo

Arts in Health CoordinatorCareer

The role of an “Arts in Health Coordinator” is to promote and encourage the use of arts in a healthcare environment. We aim to develop, embed and implement an “arts in health” strategy within the health board, and to develop and deliver arts programmes for the benefit of patients, families and staff.

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sutton primary care networks logo

Neighbourhood Wellbeing ServiceInitiativeCareer

Working as a population health and lifestyle lead in Sutton has been key to contribute to the creation of a new model of care that aims to provide personalised care to reduce health inequalities and promote health and wellbeing of our communities from a co-production model.

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Suzy Bolt Profile Picture

Online Support ProgrammeInitiativeCareer

Set up by Suzy Bolt (an NLP Master coach and Yoga teacher) after her own long covid journey, in response to the lack of availability for ongoing peer-supported rehab, for those with Long Covid symptoms and post-vaccine injury. She decided to set up her own business offering online gentle physical sessions, relaxation classes, breath work and group chat support sessions. It’s now widely used, and referred into, by Long Covid clinics, GP’s and health professionals from around the world and provides a live community of people who understand, for people to feel a part of.

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Rohini Bajekal Profile Picture

Rohini – Board Certified Lifestyle Medicine Professional NutritionistCareer

Rohini Bajekal is a nutritionist (MA Oxon, MSc Nutrition and Food Sciences, Dip BSLM/ IBLM) and a Board-Certified Lifestyle Medicine Professional. Rohini has used her IBLM/BSLM Certification to create a career in which she is able to off evidence-based nutrition and lifestyle advice to her clients around the world.

A keen recipe developer, Rohini is passionate about making delicious, affordable and nourishing plant-based meals. In her spare time, she volunteers as a Cookery Teacher at Made in Hackney, the UK’s only plant-based cookery school and charity. Rohini is a Board Member and Communications Lead at Plant-Based Health Professionals UK – an organisation that provides education around the benefits of plant-based diets in the prevention and management of chronic disease. She also provides expertise around South Asian diets as part of the Dietitian and Nutritionist Advisory Committee at Diet ID. She is the co-author of Living PCOS Free along with her mother Dr Nitu who is an ObGyn and Board-Certified Lifestyle Medicine Physician. Rohini has personal experience of PCOS and reversing insulin resistance after a diagnosis of prediabetes in her 20s.

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Caroline Gibson Profile Picture

A Lifestyle Medicine Approach to Management of Post-Covid SyndromeInitiativeCareer

The long-COVID service in County Durham and Darlington NHS Foundation Trust has embedded a personalised care and lifestyle medicine approach throughout it’s service. Our aim is to provide a person-centred approach to care for patients who are experiencing ongoing symptoms of long-COVID; delivered by a Multi-Disciplinary Team via a cross-system biopsychosocial model – avoiding many “hand offs” to ensure joined up holistic care. This includes a personalised individual pathway of care depending on the specific needs of the patient. As part of our service we offer a group support programme, delivering online structured education and support for recovery based on lifestyle medicine principles.

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Dr Helen Kini picture

Flourish for Life Lifestyle Medicine Clinic


LM clinic offering LM appts but also LM to Corporate as a well-being offer, using the pillars/evidenced
based LM and supporting
individuals and organisations to improve their health and well-being

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Dr Sonal Shah

The Healthy Island Partnership (HIP) Wellness Team


The HIP Wellness Team is a peer led service, which works within primary care and the community to prevent
the development of both physical and mental ill health. It also strives to teach all local residents the
tools to keep themselves well, and also to spot ill health and manage it.
The multi-faceted service is supported by health coaches, social prescribers, first contact physios and uses
a volunteer coordinator to recruit and manage volunteers and bring together existing local community
partners and healthcare providers.
Through the creation of a centralised team we aim to develop a program of work that supports and promotes
holistic health, well-being and self empowerment. The aim is to reduce loneliness and improve other measures
of health and well-being for all residents.

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Dr Reeta Karamchandani picture

Lifestyle Medicine – Practical Strategies to Menopause


I lead first of the many planned drop-in session for our ICS (NHS) workforce. The aim was to start a conversation around menopause , sharing experiences at work and at home
It was well attended ,37 attendees, who shared how it affects their work and what changes they have made to their lifestyle to
overcome these ,what barriers they faced and how they navigated through them
We talked about menopause in very general terms (as it wasn’t meant to be a teaching session nor for diagnosis of menopause)
We then addressed each pillar of lifestyle medicine -impact of menopause and shared tips how to identify and overcome barriers-
some being lack of motivation, worries around strength training and how women may be concerned being perceived as not so productive in this
stage of life.

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Dr Graham Stephens picture

Woodwork to Wellness


The creation of a craft creation centre for embedding LM genuinely in the community.

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Dr Liza Thomas-Emrus picture

Wellness Improvement Service (WISE)


The Wellness Improvement Service (WISE) is a new NHS service in Wales for the Cwm Taf Morgannwg University Health board.

Patients with chronic symptoms and chronic disease are at risk of general deconditioning and their physical and mental health
declining with increased risk of poly-pharmacy and multi-morbidity. WISE offers Wellness Coaches to support patients for up to 9
months to help mitigate these risks.

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Dr Leah Gorodi for Numan

Lifestyle Medicine at Numan


Numan has been a very successful digital men’s health company that provide Doctor consultations, but until recently have primarily focused on private prescriptions as their main service. As the company and the clinical team has grown, there has been increased recognition in the value of offering a holistic and whole person approach to health – with this comes big aspirations to develop this concept and implement it into our offerings for patients. With my training and interest in Lifestyle Medicine I was ideally placed to help design this, and I gradually became more involved in different projects such as sleep management and weight loss.

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Dr Ifeoma Monye

Dancing DREAMS DanceWithTheDo


Delivering Lifestyle Medicine through Dance.

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Peter Anto Johnson

Social Cognitive Theory


According to social cognitive theory (SCT), patient behavior is predetermined by a complex interplay of internal patient, environmental, & behavioural factors. These factors can be characterized and applied in the context of modifying individual patients’ adherence to lifestyle measures including diet, exercise, stress reduction, sleep habits, and avoidance of alcohol and other drugs

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Dr Katie Brice

Op-timise Wantage Prehabilitation Programme


A 6 week face-to-face programme was piloted in Wantage Primary Care Network. Op-timise Wantage is a prehabilitation programme aimed at patients on the waiting list for hip/knee replacements. It is a Group Consultation and aims to reduce the risk of post-operative complications by focusing on the main lifestyle medicine pillars – improving nutrition, sleep, stress, increasing physical activity and reducing harmful substances. Each 90 minute session consisted of education from a local expert followed by an opportunity to get physically active. The Op-timise Programme has gained a lot of interest and will hopefully be scaled up across Oxfordshire in 2023.

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Dr Rohit Sabharwal

Diabetes Lifestyle Medicine Group Consultations


A 12 week lifestyle medicine education and coaching programme aimed primarily at Diabetic patients but also producing great results across a breadth of medical conditions. 3 group consultations focusing on pillars of lifestyle medicine with individualised goals setting and accountability. Between sessions a variety of email support, YouTube and social media content with lots of local 3rd sector engagement too.

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emma pimlott

Population Health: Teaching Using WebinarsInitiative

With the health inequality gap increasing, there is a growing need to address health at population level. At the University of Manchester (UoM), final year medical students learn about Population Health (PH) through a series of webinars. In 21/22, webinars were delivered to 446 final year medical students during a 4-week PH/ careers clinical placement. Expert speakers were recruited to deliver short talks on successful PH interventions in their area of practice. A panel of 2 lecturers and 1 student facilitated conversations on themes addressed and commonalities. Webinars helped students consider PH within the context of a pandemic. A thematic analysis showed that webinars increased awareness of wider determinants of health, importance of holistic care and health promotion/ disease prevention. Student feedback demonstrated that the webinars augmented their clinical placement, allowing them to gain an understanding of health needs of a population.

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