Physical Activity for the Prevention and Management of Long-Term Conditions Presentation – May 9th

The Physical Activity Clinical Champions (PACC) programme is part of the Moving Healthcare Professionals Programme (MHPP). This is a partnership programme led by OHID (The Office for Health Improvement and Disparities, Department of Health and Social Care) and Sport England, which aims to increase awareness, skills and change clinical practice of health professionals in the promotion of physical activity to patients at risk of, or with, health conditions. Please join us on 9th and 16th May where Dr Dimple Devadas, PACC and BSLM Learning Academy Associate, will facilitate this online training

Supporting Healthcare Professionals to Improve Patient Care and Outcomes

Around 1 in 3 men and 1 in 2 women are not achieving recommended levels of activity for good health, with people with long term conditions twice as likely to be amongst the least active. Physical activity is incorporated across NICE clinical guidance, with evidence suggesting 1 in 4 people would be more active if advised by a GP or nurse.

However, 70-80% of GPs do not speak about the benefits of physical activity to patients. This can be associated with knowledge, skills and confidence gaps across HCPs. For example, a survey of 1000 GPs found:

  • Less than half (44%) of GPs are confident speaking about physical activity with patients
  • Over half (55%) of GPs had had no specific training on physical activity in patient care
  • 4 in 5 (80%) of GPs not familiar with the UK Chief Medical Officers’ guidelines

Benefits of Training

Attending this FREE online training provides the opportunity to:

  • Access evidence-based resources proven to increase knowledge and confidence, and support clinical practice in line with guidance (e.g. NICE)
  • Improve management and care of patients with 30+ long-term conditions (e.g, CVD, type 2 diabetes, depression, MSK issues, some cancers)
  • Help reduce service demand and costs i.e. the £0.9bn annual cost to the NHS associated with insufficient physical activity

The Evidence

Over 25000 HCPs have been trained so far. An independent evaluation demonstrated improvements in participant knowledge, confidence and frequency of patient physical activity conversations.

  • 84% agreed the training was useful in their work
  • 91% would recommend the training to their colleagues
  • 40% of HCPs were having more conversations with their patients about physical activity post-training

Interested? Click Here to Sign up to the Webinar

Take part in the Stand for Health Campaign with BSLM – Inspiring Movement, Meditation and Creativity and be part of the new Social Impact film – Premiering at BSLM 2023
