Stand for Health
Share your smartphone clips and be part of the collective social impact film to premiere at BSLM 2023 in Manchester.
Stand For Health
Dance for Health, Meditate for Health and Stand for Health, for everyone, everywhere.
With the success of last year’s Changemakers campaign, we are once again showcasing your lifestyle medicine videos, this time integrated into our new Health campaign which features ‘Stand for Health’. Stand for health is the original social impact poem and music soundtrack launched in over 10 languages, with community vocal artists from all over the world. Premiered at the Geneva Health Forum and United Nations Geneva last year, as part of a touring exhibition with the World Health Organisation and partnering organisations.

‘Stand for Health’, find your ‘FIT’, take part in a campaign led by Dr Dimple Devadas and be part of a community movement. As a Lifestyle as Medicine Changemaker, we invite you to take part.
Dance for Health, meditate for Health and Stand for Health, for everyone, everywhere.
- Capture and share your 2.5-minute smartphone dance and meditation film clips with caption story (maximum 5 words) on social media.
Be part of a global repository and historical archive of Lifestyle Medicine and submit and upload your 2.5-minute smartphone clip with your story caption (maximum 5 words) to BSLM by 31st May 2023. The clips will be curated into a collective film series, which will be premiered and screened at the BSLM annual conference 2023.- Download the 2.5-minute ‘Stand for Health’ dance soundtrack
- Watch ‘Stand for Health’ dance video to learn the 5-step dance
- Create a few moments in your day to dance and move
- Create a comfortable space to dance
- Dance and enjoy some moments of movement with ease and flow
- Save file as – ‘your name (as you would like it to appear on credits) + 5-word caption’
- Submit your 2.5-minute smartphone dance clip with 5-word story caption to express how you feel
- Submit your video by emailing to have a chance for it to appear in a video at the BSLM2023 conference!
- Welcoming extended arms, connecting
- Open arms, to include everyone
- Rolling arms, binding us all together
- Clap, united centred together
- Hand to heart + chest, health is important to our soul, and inspired by British sign language for health
- Download the 2.5-minute ‘Stand for Health’ meditation soundtrack
- Watch ‘Stand for Health’ meditation video
- Create a comfortable and peaceful space to meditate
- Create a comfortable space to meditate
- Meditate and enjoy some moments of stillness with ease and flow
- Save file as – ‘your name (as you would like it to appear on credits) + 5-word caption’
- Submit your 2.5-minute smartphone meditation clip with 5-word story caption to express how you feel
- Submit your video by emailing to have a chance for it to appear in a video at the BSLM2023 conference!
- ‘HOW TO CREATE A MEDITATION RETREAT AT HOME’ by Vidyamala Burch OBE, co-founder of the Charity, Breathworks
- This Girl Can – Celebrating Active Women
- We are undefeatable
- Better Health NHS
- ParkRun
- Sign up to become a ParkRun practice
- Ramblers
- Poolfinder with Swim England
- National Academy of Social Prescribing
- If you are a GP practice feel free to sign up to the Active Practice Charter
- Sport in Mind – Transforming the lives and mental health of children and adults through sport and physical activity
Watch the Welcome video by Dr Rob Lawson
Chair of the British Society of Lifestyle Medicine on the importance of joining our
Physical activity & Mental wellbeing campaign 2022
and community movement
Dance for Health – 3 easy steps and tips
1. Ready
2. Steady
3. Dance
Watch the Stand for Health 5-step dance film with Charlotte Hawthorne professional Dancer and Choreographer
Thank you to Charlotte Hawthorne – professional dancer and choreographer for
‘Stand for Health’, the dance in 5 easy to follow symbolic steps:
“My Mum is a huge inspiration and has worked for the NHS since the day I was born, so I am super excited about supporting this Dancing for Health campaign. Dancing for me is a release, an expression and a happy place”
– Charlotte Hawthorne – professional dancer and choreographer
Meditate for Health – 3 easy steps and tips
1. Ready
2. Steady
3. Dance
Watch the Stand for Health meditation film
with Dr Alex Maxwell, President, British Society of Lifestyle Medicine
“Green outside helps calm inside”“If physical activity were a drug, we would refer to it as a miracle cure, due to the great many illnesses it can prevent and help treat.”
Here’s the film from our most recent campaign: Lifestyle as Medicine Changemakers 2022
#1Change Social Impact Collective Film that opened the BSLM 2022 conference
Thanks to all our Changemakers 2022 who took part.
Useful Resources
*Please ensure any movement is within your abilities and consult your GP /Doctor if you have any restrictions, told not to do any activity and/or symptoms before any exercise