Key questions this course aims to answer …
- How can we create health?
- How can we as practitioners support our patients to have higher
quality, healthier lives?
- How can we as practitioners best support our own health and
- How can we see past the claims and counter-claims in this area?
Watch this short video to find out more about the course from Dr Andrew Morrice …
This course takes a broad overview of how Lifestyle Medicine can answer these questions, grounded in the speaker’s 30 years’ clinical experience, and training in psychological therapy and medical history.
Human beings, like all other living creatures on this planet, emerged from a long and complex processes of evolution. It is increasingly recognised that there are many mis-matches between ‘the way we live now’ and our evolved biology. Our ‘Western’ or modern approach to medicine has also developed and evolved over time and again there is increasingly a recognition that the brilliant tools of ‘modern medicine’ are not sufficient on their own to meet the health challenges our modern way of life has created.
Lifestyle Medicine can be seen as a science-based approach to moving forward from these difficulties.
What will you do on the day?
After a brief look at how medicine has come to be the way it is we will move on to look at the fundamental needs that human beings have, and how we develop our capabilities and resources to meet our needs in our environment.
We will examine the concept of ‘exercise’ from an evolutionary perspective to create new understandings of how movement and activity relate to our physical and mental health.
We will look at how modern ideas of how the brain makes sense of the world, and prepares us to respond, generating a whole range of physiological responses as well as ‘thoughts’ and ’emotions’. We will look at the life-experiences moulding each individual’s responses to
their environment, and how this physiology relates to disease and health.
Equipped with this new understanding of how we respond to the world, we will then explore why we have ended up with so many apparently conflicting views about the role of diet in creating disease or health. What tools do we need to forage successfully in this dense forest of varying quality information and can we arrive at any robust conclusions about diet and health?
Lastly we will look at how programmes or societies that enable human beings to meet their innate needs in balance have been shown to generate healthier lives. And at the fundamental principles underlying effective techniques for enabling successful transition to healthier lifestyles.
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