Cancer and the Microbiome NE BSLM Webinar

Join and engage in discussion as Sheena Fraser explains Microbiome Science and how it relates to other areas such as cancer treatment in this webinar/meeting!

Cancer and the Gut Microbiome

Human microbiomes play a hugely important role in our health and disease so its no great surprise that they are central in influencing cancer development; but did you know that the health of your gut microbiome can predict your response to cancer treatment as well as the effectiveness of cancer therapies such as chemotherapy and immunotherapy. Microbiome science is hugely exciting and key to modern medicine and if you haven’t heard of it, this webinar is essential to start your journey.

Use this link to join on the day

About the Speaker

Sheena Fraser

I am a GP partner and trainer in the South side of glasgow. I have a special interest in Dermatology, Minor surgery, lifestyle medicine and Microbiome science. I have a diploma in lifestyle medicine. In 2018 I discovered that over half the cells in my body were microbial and I set out to discover the importance of human microbiomes. I spent 4 years co-writing “gut Microbiome for clinicians” – the only online course for clinicians on the gut microbiome – with my fellow bugs enthusiast Dr Siobhan MacCormack. This was published in August 2022. Siobhan and I then started “microbiome Medics Podcast” in Dec 2022 which currently reaches over 7.5 thousand listeners. I am passionate about a lifestyle approach to medicine and integrating microbiome science into daily clinical practice.
