BSLM Chronic Pain Special Interest Group

The BSLM Chronic Pain SIG is excited to invite all its members to a free 2 part webinar looking at the new advances in our understanding of pain and the new NICE guidelines.

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The British Society of Lifestyle Medicine (BSLM) value specialist expertise to guide the work of the Society. It convenes a Special Interest Group (SIG) structure and our Chronic Paid SIG are bringing together this webinar to provide an evidence-based resource for members on the specific area of chronic pain

The BSLM Chronic Pain SIG is excited to invite all its members to a free 2 part webinar looking at the new advances in our understanding of pain and the new NICE guidelines. There is a huge impetus in promoting person centred care with recommendations that mirrors so much of how Lifestyle Medicine aims to support patients and healthcare professionals.

In the first part on March 24th, Dr Deepak Ravindran and Dr Meera Tewani, consultants in Pain Medicine and BSLM diplomates 2020, will be introducing the new advances in pain and the implications of the new ICD11 and NICE guidelines. Dr. Ravindran will introduce the new advances and Dr Tewani will talk about the role of opioids and challanges and opportunities around opioid prescribing/deprescribing.

Click here to register
