Call For Abstracts 2025

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Tell us about your successful lifestyle medicine projects

Ahead of our annual conference in September 2025, the British Society of Lifestyle Medicine is inviting members to share with us your successful lifestyle medicine projects.

We want to hear your practical, real-life examples of how you are using the tools and techniques of lifestyle medicine to treat, manage and even reverse chronic health conditions.

As well as examples directly from the clinical setting, including service improvement projects and audits we are also keen to hear about your scientific research (whether quantitative, qualitative or mixed-methods) and evidence-based educational projects. Examples from the world of public health are also welcome.

This is your opportunity to share with fellow clinicians and health professionals the pioneering work you are doing to further the lifestyle medicine movement. Tell us how your work is benefiting both patients and clinicians – and how it is helping us to stem the rising tide of chronic disease. We have ring-fenced even more slots to present winning submissions, live at BSLM2025.

We are looking for examples of work which are new, original and are making an important contribution to the emerging discipline of lifestyle medicine.

In the months leading up to the conference, BSLM will assess each of the examples received and choose the very best to be featured as oral presentations at the conference, culminating in the best abstract award winner, accepting other valuable contributions for poster presentation.

Those BSLM members eligible for student scholarships (See eligibility criteria below), will have the opportunity to secure complimentary attendance and extend their BLSM membership for a further year (see below).

The best entries will get further support to publish their work in the open access journal Lifestyle Medicine.

How to enter

We would like members to submit a brief outline of their work in the form of an abstract through clicking here.

On clicking the above you will be directed to a register page before accessing the abstract submission form.

The deadline for submissions is June 19th 2025 at 9PM.

All abstracts will be assessed anonymously by BSLM’s Science & Research Committee which will draw up a rigorous selection criteria against which it will rank all entries.

Judges will be looking at:

  • The extent to which the content relates to the themes of the conference or the field
  • The extent to which the abstract represents new, original, innovative or important research
  • The scientific, academic and/or clinical rigour of the work

You should include in your abstract up to 300 words, with an optional table or figure, using the following headings:

  • Background: the background / introduction to your work
  • Methods: what you did including the methods and materials used
  • Results: what the results were
  • Conclusions: what conclusions you came to

To participate as a presenter or in the poster tour, submitters must have a valid in-person conference ticket and bring a physical copy of your poster. Should you not be able to attend the conference and your poster is selected for the tour, you are able to send through a printed poster and we can display on your behalf.

Submit an Abstract Here

Who can apply?
  • Scientists and researchers
  • Post-graduate students and research fellows
  • Medical practitioners
  • Other healthcare practitioners
  • Public health professionals
  • Educators
  • Patient representatives
  • Undergraduate nursing
  • Undergraduate allied health professional
  • Undergraduate other
  • Postgraduate medical training
  • Postgraduate GP training
  • Postgraduate training other specialty
  • Postgraduate nursing training
  • Postgraduate allied health professional training
  • Postgraduate training other discipline (including PhD)
Student Scholarships

As always, BSLM offers certain groups* to tell us about their work for a chance to win a free place at this years’ BSLM2025 conference in Brighton and extend their BSLM membership for a further year with no charge.

Members from any of these groups wishing to be considered for a Student Scholarship must indicate on the online form of their intention to be considered and make the requisite declarations. Suitable original pieces include articles, case studies or projects that address one or more of the conference themes.

*Eligible applicants include Undergrad and full-time students in the following fields:

  • Medical students
  • Students of nursing and allied health disciplines
  • GP/hospital registrars
  • Science and research students
  • Public health students
  • Masters students
  • PhD students