Abstract Submission

How do I submit an abstract?

All submissions are made through the Oxford Abstract Submission portal. To start click on the link on the BSLM website and follow the instructions to set up an Oxford Abstracts account, and then complete the BSLM Abstract submission form

What is the maximum word count?

All abstracts’ sections; background, methods, results, and conclusions sections should be completed within a combined word count of 300-word limit, if over this they will be rejected

Can I include tables and graphs in abstract?

Yes, you can include tables and graphs

Is there an example of an accepted abstract?

Please see those accepted and published from last year’s conference via this link –

Can I submit work previously submitted elsewhere or in previous BSLM conferences?

All abstracts should be original work and not submitted elsewhere or in previous BSLM conferences

Can I use the same data set split over two abstracts?

No, they all should have unique data sets and not shared data sets

Does the content need to cover all LM pillars?

No, however must cover one and have LM element to it

What is the submission deadline?

All submissions should be in by 9pm on Friday 13th June

How will I hear if I’ve been successful?

You’ll receive an email from Oxford Abstracts system, with information on what to do next – so do check spam around the time you are due to hear

Who is eligible to apply for student scholarship?

Include Undergrad and full-time students in the following fields, who must check the tick box on submission and be student member of the BSLM and who will be informed by the Abstract Review Committee if they have been successful, and what that means.

Medical students

Students of nursing and allied health disciplines

GP/hospital registrars

Science and research students

Public health students

Masters students

PhD students

Can we have co-authors and/or co-presenters?

Yes, please select these options on the submission form – only those named will be included on the published abstract if successful.

What does it mean if I am asked to resubmit my abstract?

This means the review committee saw the value of your work, and would have accepted it if a few of the necessary conditions had been fully completed or clarified – such as staying within word count, being laid out in an abstract format, committee requiring clarification on PROSPERO status, validated data tools, denominator and PRISMA flowchart inclusion, etc. With some minor changes made, on further review by Abstract Review Committee, likely to be accepted to present at conference

Changes can be done by logging back in to Oxford Abstract using the same email address you registered with, opening your submission and making the changes.

Common reasons for abstracts not being selected included

The absence of any results at all (or any meaningful results relating to key outcomes) and discrepancies between the stated methods and presented results.  There were abstracts where the work was not yet completed, the results were presented only in loose qualitative terms, no information was provided on group sizes, and/or no appropriate statistical analysis was provided. While protocol publication is now an accepted approach, this is not suitable for presentation at scientific meetings, where results are needed. The abstract was over the determined word count or resubmission from a previous year.

Poster Submission

If accepted what format should my physical poster be?

Poster dimensions, 118.9 cm x 84.1 cm or 46.8 x 33.1 inches

All physical posters should be A0 in size (as above), in landscape format, in colour – in any material you prefer – paper, canvas, laminated

Do you print our physical posters?

All physical posters should be printed and brought to conference by submitters

Do I need to attend conference to present a poster?

Yes, as part of the terms and conditions of submission you agree to attend in person should your poster be accepted for all three days – this is in case you are selected to present, be part of the poster tour or offered an Oral Presentation, which maybe not be finalised in the programme till just before the conference

Can I take my poster down early?

Yes, that is your choice. However, if you are chosen for the poster tour, you and your poster would still need to be present at the conference

If I am chosen for the poster tour, can someone else present instead of me?

Yes, if they are listed as co-author/co-presenters on your submission – and can attend the conference in person.

What days will my poster be displayed?

All three days of the conference.

Do you provide all Velcro hook and eye fittings

Yes, we do

What format should we supply our poster to you for displaying in the app

All submissions should be in by 9pm on Friday 13th June

How will I hear if I’ve been successful?

All poster presenter submitters must submit their poster in a PDF format

If I submit or resubmit an amended poster, will it get uploaded to the app if sent after the deadline?

That will be at the discretion of BSLM Tech Team.

Can I resubmit my poster with amended data?

Only if the amended data changes are small, aesthetic and no changes to data, processes, methods, results, or conclusions.

Do you post posters back to submitters post conference:

No all posters must either be collected and taken home at the end of the conference or collected by courier by 7pm on the last day of the conference. Any left will be destroyed.

Who qualifies to present at the poster tour?

The Abstract Review Committee will select, once all PDF posters are received by BSLM Office, those who they wish to attend the poster tour, and those selected will be notified within a few weeks of the conference.

Who qualifies to present an Oral presentation of their work?

The Abstract Review Committee will select those abstracts they feel should be part of the Oral Presentation and they will be notified to create a presentation