Vaccine Efficiency and Sleep Deprivation

Lack of sleep is associated with the production of fewer T cells which impacts the ability to fight infections.

For some time we have been aware that lack of sleep reduces the level of the IgG antibody produced following vaccination for influenza(1)(2).

Whilst there is currently no direct evidence as to the efficacy of immunity following COVID-19 vaccination for most healthy adults, vaccine efficacy may not be impeded with reduced sleep. Several studies indicate reduced immunity to vaccination if followed by lack of sleep on the night of vaccination.

For individuals with a compromised immune system, it is recommended that they ensure adequate sleep, the night following vaccination.

The importance of vaccination is emphasized for individuals with sleep disorders, as the disease may be associated with a poor outcome if they contract COVID-19.

Furthermore, studies indicate that vaccine efficacy is improved twofold when vaccination is given in the morning. Getting a good night’s sleep, the night following vaccination has been shown to double the production of T cells, in addition to interferon- γ cells up to 8 weeks later(3).

In Short:

  • Get a good night’s sleep following vaccination
  • Get vaccinated if you have a sleep disorder
  • Where possible get a morning appointment


  1. Spiegel K Sheridan JF Van Cauter. Effect of sleep deprivation on response to immunization. JAMA. 2002; 288: 1471-1472
  2. Prather, A., Hall, M., Fury, J. M., Ross, D. C., Muldoon, M. F., Cohen, S., Marsland, A. L. (2012). Sleep and antibody response to hepatitis B vaccination. Sleep, 35(8), 1063–1069.
  3. Lange T Dimitrov S Bollinger T Diekelmann S Born J Sleep after vaccination boosts immunological memory. J Immunol. 2011; 187: 283-290
  4. Phillips AC Gallagher S Carroll D Drayson M. Preliminary evidence that morning vaccination is associated with an enhanced antibody response in men.
    Psychophysiology. 2008; 45: 663-666