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A global shift to a predominantly plant-based diet is deemed necessary to preserve both human and planetary health. Designed for those interested in improving their knowledge and expertise of plant-based nutrition.

This is an experiential skills-based program that presents a variety of tools for helping ourselves and our patients.

BSLM has partnered with Southern Cross University in Australia to provide a AUD$5000 scholarship for students that sign up for the 2023 season.

Prescribing Lifestyle Medicine is an online course aimed at Doctors and healthcare professionals who want to learn how to implement a lifestyle medicine approach in a practical way.

Our Lifestyle Medicine CPD courses are designed to give you the tools to implement Lifestyle Medicine in your consultations.

This comprehensive 12-week menopause certification is designed to put you at the forefront of the research into lifestyle science for women’s healthy ageing.

The MyMT™ Menopause Weight Loss Coach Course is a 6 week online course, course is designed to educate, empower and certify you in peri-post menopause weight loss.

The MyMT™ Menopause Weight Loss Coach Course is a 6 week course designed to educate, empower and certify you in peri-post menopause weight loss.

Living Proof is excited to announce the launch of their new CPD-accredited online course for GPs and other healthcare professionals on the neuroplastic (or mind-body) approach to health and recovery.
Plant Based Nutrition at the University of Winchester
Diet choices are now the top cause of death and disability globally. Not only is our diet causing ill health, it is a major factor contributing to climate destruction. A global shift to a predominantly plant-based diet is deemed necessary to preserve both human and planetary health. But what is a healthy plant-based diet? How can it be achieved? What are the benefits? All these questions will be answered in this short course, designed for those interested in improving their knowledge and expertise in the field of plant-based nutrition. The course is designed for health professionals (e.g. doctors, nurses, dieticians, nutritionists, physiotherapists) who would like to incorporate evidence-based nutrition into routine clinical practice. The course is a facilitated self-paced short course to be completed within 8 weeks. There are 6 modules, each requiring at least 6 hours of personal study to complete.
What is the content of the course?
The course will start by discussing the main dietary determinants of disease, disability and death, focussing on data from the United Kingdom and comparing with international data sets. It will discuss different types of nutrition studies and common dietary patterns. The course will review the role of nutrition in promoting optimal health and wellbeing. Key components of a healthy plant-based diet will be covered, including nutrients of abundance and those that are notable for their relative absence. There will then be an in-depth review of the scientific literature supporting the role of plant-based nutrition in the prevention and treatment of chronic disease. This will include cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, cancer, dementia, obesity, bone health, women’s health and gastrointestinal disorders. In the final week, comparisons will be made with other popular diet patterns, such as ‘low-carb’ and ‘Paleo’ diets, and national and international nutrition guidelines will be reviewed with analysis of their strengths and weaknesses. The connection between our diet choices and the impact on the environment will be explored and a model of sustainable farming will be presented.
This course has been accredited for 30 CPD hours by the British Society of Lifestyle Medicine (BSLM) and can be counted towards Maintenance of Certification for the diploma in lifestyle medicine by the International Board of Lifestyle Medicine. On completion of the course, participants will be issued a certificate of completion from the University. Please note that the certificate itself is not a formal qualification. The course is open to those in and outside the UK.
Stress Management and Resiliency Training (SMART) May
This course has been approved for 16 hours CPD by the British Society of Lifestyle Medicine and BSLM members can enjoy £40 off
This 8-week research-proven* program will help you develop self-care tools to recognise and manage your stress, reduce medical symptoms and enhance your quality of life.
You will learn:
- How to recognise your personal response to stress
- Meditative techniques to help elicit the Relaxation Response
- How to change thought patterns and emotional outlook
- Ways to improve eating, sleeping and physical activity
By understanding our own stress, and learning new
relaxation and coping strategies, we will be able to
extend this understanding to our patients in new ways.
Developed by the Benson-Henry Institute for Mind Body Medicine at Massachusetts General Hospital, the program is based on the pioneering work of Dr Herbert Benson, author of “The Relaxation Response”.
SMART can help improve medical conditions in which stress is a factor, including:
- Anxiety
- Asthma
- Autoimmune disorders
- Chronic pain
- Mild to moderate depression
- Insomnia
- Gastrointestinal disorders
- Headaches or migraines
Join the next UK group over eight Wednesdays
The next cycle starts on 1st May for 8 consecutive Wednesdays from 19:00 till 21:00 until the 19th of June. Please see flier for details.
Click here to view the flier for more info
Click here to view the SMART Website
The course will cost £420. BSLM and PBHP UK members are eligible for a £40 discount.
The course also includes:
- Course manual
- Individual intake session (optional) during the month of April/May.
As manuals will be shipped from the US please register by the 10th of March
Please register by sending an email to, with your postal address (for shipment of the manual). You will receive an invoice for payment via WISE (preferred) or PayPal.
Course offered by Dr Miriam Maisel, dip IBLM/BSLM
For more details about the Stress Management and Resiliency Training, and about the instructor Dr Miriam Maisel IBLM, please click on the link below
Southern Cross University Master of Lifestyle Medicine Scholarship
BSLM has partnered with Southern Cross University in Australia to provide a AUD$5000 scholarship for students that sign up for the 2023 season, students can sign up in July or March annually. If you’re interested in this, feel free to apply and inquire through the link below!
Prescribing Lifestyle Medicine Online Course
Prescribing Lifestyle Medicine is an online course consisting of 4 eLearning modules aimed at Doctors and healthcare professionals who want to learn how to implement a lifestyle medicine approach in a practical way. The course covers research, evidence, science and strategies to help you deliver results beneficial to both practitioner and patient in your field of practice. £395 + VAT for 12 months subscription to the course and materials.
Inspired Medics Online Courses in Lifestyle Medicine
Our Lifestyle Medicine CPD courses, accredited by BSLM have been designed by doctors for doctors and healthcare professionals. There are 27 evidence based modules across 3 courses, You can do all 3 courses or choose from them to suit your needs. This training is designed to give you the tools to implement Lifestyle Medicine in your consultations, and you will find you are likely to implement positive changes for your own wellbeing also.
MyMT™ Menopause Practitioner Course
Are you looking for the confidence to work with women in midlife and beyond?
Midlife is a confusing time. Not only for women, but for us as health professionals because the things we have done to help our clients manage their health in the past, suddenly no longer work as well in midlife.
Hi, my name is Dr Wendy Sweet (PhD), a women’s healthy ageing researcher and founder of My Menopause Transformation.
Most health professionals joining me on this course are just like I was. Despite all our knowledge, when we arrive in midlife our body takes on a life of its own and our health outlook becomes very concerning. Or, we see it in our clients. For me, waking night after night, endless hot flushes, aching muscles and 15kg of weight gain left me very concerned about my health.
So, we set to work. Spending hours researching and hundreds of dollars trialling products… but we often come to a dead end because of the lack of scientific information specific to midlife women, or conflicting opinions based on generic solutions.
After months of research, I realised that nobody was taking a ‘whole-body’ approach to menopause symptoms. Furthermore, with menopause management situated in the medical and pharmaceutical paradigm, I also realised that I hadn’t seen any research on lifestyle science solutions.
I made it my mission to put the puzzle pieces together. When I presented my PhD, I argued that no-one was looking at menopause hormonal changes within the context of the ageing female body. Furthermore, each symptom was being looked at in isolation… but the body and the hormones don’t work in isolation.
When we take a holistic view, we can understand that there are oestrogen receptors located all around the body, so in a low oestrogen environment many of the major organs are affected. Coupled with the changes our body is experiencing due to ageing, midlife is the perfect storm for health chaos.
But my studies, and now the thousands of women on the MyMT™ programs, have proven that there are evidence based lifestyle solutions that can relieve symptoms. We just need to get to the root cause – our cellular health.
With 1.2 billion women forecast to be in menopause by 2030, there has never been so much demand for health professionals who are trained in the unique complexities of the menopause transition.
Would you like to learn how to relieve your client’s exhaustion, insomnia, hot flushes, sore joints, brain fog, anxiety… and set them up to age well into post-menopause? Would you like to help them improve their quality of life? If so, this comprehensive, evidence-based, menopause practitioner course is for you. It’s everything you need to set yourself up as a menopause specialist.
MyMT™ Menopause Weight Loss Coach
Have you ever wondered why, when menopause arrives, the weight loss strategies we have been taught no longer seem to work?
It is well known that the menopause transition may result in adverse metabolic consequences in women, especially those women putting on weight. Given that cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death in post-menopausal women, the importance of weight management in midlife cannot be overemphasized.
That’s why I have designed this essential course for any health or exercise professional working with midlife and older women.
Did you know, that women who have deep visceral fat, produce excess oestrogen in fat cells, that the liver then has to try to remove and that you can help this process through the correct exercise for liver function?
Did you know that the effect of skeleto-muscular changes cause the reduction and loss of mitochondrial activity during menopause, which reduces the ability of muscles to oxidise or ‘burn-fat’?
Did you know that sleep is affected by menopause hormonal changes, and if your clients aren’t sleeping, then weight loss is harder to achieve?
Knowledge about fat loss has traditionally been underpinned by physiology, nutrition and exercise prescription. But the unique hormonal environment during menopause changes everything. Our knowledge must now include behavioural, biological, social and environmental considerations specific to midlife and ageing.
That is why this course explores so much more than just hormonal physiology. You will come away with an understanding of the unique changes occurring in the liver, gut, brain and muscles that contribute to weight gain, as well as the scientifically-evidenced exercise and nutrition prescription for weight loss and muscle mass maintenance.
Which means you’re not only going to be able to help your clients lose weight, but you will see them turn around their energy, sore joints, mood and much more.
MyMT Menopause Coach Certification
Become A Menopause Coach
The secret to successful behaviour change is truly understanding your client cohort
To achieve sustainable and positive health behaviours, evidence suggests that for those people who desire these changes, support in behaviour change techniques that promote self-efficacy, self-determination and self-responsibility, are an important determinant for ‘success’. (Robinson & Morrow, 2016)
But, clients also need more than ‘just support’ to change their health behaviours. They need Health Coaches and Practitioners who have the knowledge, understanding and empathy specific to the stage of life that they are in – their menopause transition.
This is the purpose of this introductory Menopause Health Coach course.
The menopause transition is not only a time of reproductive changes, but changing health, including mental, cardiovascular, joint and metabolic health. This is because declining oestrogen and progesterone levels have a powerful impact on other parts of the body, including the liver, muscles, blood vessels, fat and brain cells.
It is now well researched that many of these health changes respond positively to lifestyle modification, which as a Health Coach, you are central to supporting them with. But how do we support women to make lifestyle changes when the behavioural research confirms they lack time, energy and motivation?
Understanding the physiological and psychological changes midlife women experience allows you as a Health Coach to not only be empathetic to their needs, but to coach behaviour change strategies from an evidence-based framework.
‘Medicine & the Mind-Brain-Body Connection: a GP Education Series’
New CPD Course Launched looking at the Mind-Brain-Body Connection for Resolving Nervous-System-Rooted Chronic Conditions
Living Proof is excited to announce the launch of their new CPD-accredited online course for GPs and other healthcare professionals on the neuroplastic (or mind-body) approach to health and recovery.
The stats tell us that upwards of 40% of UK GP visits relate to chronic symptoms such as persistent pain, fatigue and digestive problems, that often do not respond well to conventional medical treatments.
Neuroscience now evidences that these symptoms are often rooted in nervous system dysregulation and can respond well to a neuroplastic/mind-body approach.
Our new course, developed and presented by our Medical Advisor, Dr Sarah Hadfield (GP and Mind-body Practitioner), and CPD-accredited by the BSLM, aims to:
• support GPs & other healthcare practitioners to better understand the root causes of ‘hard to treat’ chronic conditions;
• support practitioners in recognising and diagnosing neurophysiological or ‘mind-body’ conditions;
• offer advice and guidance to practitioners on supporting and signposting patients with these conditions, through a neuroplastic/mind-body approach.
Course format: 3-part video series plus short written articles
Course duration: approx 1.5 hours
Cost: £30 standard rate, or £25 for BSLM members. Group rates are also available for groups of practitioners working together in a clinical setting. Please contact Living Proof directly at for more information on group purchase options, or for any other questions about the course.
Find the discount code on our ‘Promotions and Opportunities’ page!