During 2020 the British Society of Lifestyle Medicine hosted a series of thought provoking and informative webinars on the subject of virtual group consultations.
The webinars have brought together expert speakers from around the world – and aim to equip healthcare professionals with the skills and expertise to deliver group consultations online during the Covid-19 pandemic.
We’ve heard from clinicians on the frontline, and patients who have shared their experiences of virtual group consultations during the pandemic.
And together, we have explored one of the key questions facing healthcare professionals during the crisis: how can we continue to deliver continuity of care for patients with non-communicable illnesses?
Join us for our second virtual group consultations webinar of 2021 on April 28th.
This is the ninth in a series of webinars on Virtual Group Consultations.
- Dr Beth Frates – Harvard Medical School – Chair
- Dr Fraser Birrell, BSLM Director of Science & Research – Intro and setting the scene
- Simon Matthews – CEO Wellcoaches Australia and Singapore – Intervention for change – a feasible tool for VGC’s
- Dr Amy Comander – PAVING the Path to Wellness for Breast Cancer Survivors: Lifestyle Medicine Education and Group Interventions
- Dr Mathi Woodhouse – A practical approach to delivering a CCG wide Diabetes Virtual Group Consultations Programme
- Denis Collen – Why patients like Virtual Group Consultations and how to get them along
- Alison Manson – Group Consultations Programme Implementation lead – New VGC developments and How we can support you
- Panel Q and A
- Close and polls
Register for our free webinar on virtual group consultations