Heart Failure (HF) affects over 26 million individuals worldwide with rising global burden due to an ageing population and increased survival from acute cardiac events, such as myocardial infarctions. Despite advances in HF therapeutics mortality and morbidity remains high. The presentation will aim to highlight the importance nutrition plays in the prevention and treatment of HF. By understanding the complex nutritional management of patients with HF and what constitutes a ‘heart healthy’ HF dietary pattern, healthcare professionals will be able to offer a holistic patient-centered approach, thus improving the health and wellbeing of their patients.
CPD Accredited with 1 CPD Hour from the British Society of Lifestyle Medicine and CME accredited for the Lifestyle Medicine 5 Year Maintenance of Certification.
- Recognise the importance of nutrition in the prevention and treatment of HF
- Understand the complex nutritional manage-ment of patients with HF
- Understand what constitutes a heart healthy HF dietary pattern
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