Plant-Based Sports Nutrition with Leila Dehghan, MD, MSc, ANutr

The webinar will focus on dietary recommendations for athletes following a plant-based/vegan diet and how they can improve their diet to boost athletic performance.

The webinar will focus on dietary recommendations for ath-letes following a plant-based/vegan diet and how they can improve their diet to boost athletic performance.
CPD Accredited with 1 CPD Hour from the British Society of Lifestyle Medicine and CME accredited for the Lifestyle Medicine 5 Year Maintenance of Certification.

Learning Outcomes

  • Develop an understanding of the 3 energy systems dur-ing various types of physical activity
  • Gaining knowledge of the dietary guidelines for differ-ent types of athletes
  • Micronutrients of concern for the plant-based athlete

Click Here for more info and how to register
