UNN Public Lecture: How can virtual/hybrid group consultations & lifestyle medicine help with pandemic recovery?

In a timely inaugural lecture Professor Fraser Birrell will explore the long and rich history of group consultations. Appreciating the evidence supporting group consultations, his lecture will examine how these findings can be extrapolated for virtual and hybrid models today.

Professor Fraser Birrell, Honorary Professor in Lifestyle Medicine & Innovation & Consultant Rheumatologist, Northumbria Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust

Visiting Professor, Northumbria University

Please note: This lecture will be a hybrid event, with opportunities to attend online or in-person. Refreshments will be available from 4.30pm.

Register here for this free event

In a timely inaugural lecture Professor Fraser Birrell will explore the long and rich history of group consultations, starting in 1905 with Joseph Pratt’s ‘class method’. Appreciating the evidence supporting group consultations across the life course, his lecture will examine how these findings can be extrapolated for virtual and hybrid models today.

Professor Birrell will argue that virtual group consultations create time and space for lifestyle medicine and can address post-pandemic backlogs.
About the Speaker
Professor Fraser Birrell is Honorary Professor in Lifestyle Medicine & Innovation and Consultant Rheumatologist with Northumbria Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust. A clinician, educator and researcher with PhD, Diploma of Clinical Education and the highest UK educational recognition, Principal Fellowship of the Higher Education Academy; he was appointed Visiting Professor at Northumbria University in 2022.

Professor Birrell’s research interests are clinical, translational and educational, including osteoarthritis, healthy ageing, epidemiology, biomarkers, group consultations and lifestyle medicine. He is the Engagement Lead for The Medical Research Council Versus Arthritis Centre for Integrated research into Musculoskeletal Ageing and has experience of codesign, coproduction and publication with patients, as well as currently exploring patients as educators’ roles in Lifestyle Medicine.

He was the first UK clinician to establish the group consultation model in routine clinical practice with over a decade of experience and is now helping others to understand and share the benefits for patients and staff.

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