Making Sense of Diet Science: Evidence, Carefully Chewed Before Swallowing

Participants will learn about the expanse of evidence underlying links between diet and health outcomes. They will learn to recognise the overlap between diet-related chronic diseases and covid risks. They will understand the use and limitations of grade for assessing evidence, and will understand the importance of alternative metrics. CPD Accredited for 1 CPD Point and 1 CME Point.

A joint BSLM – PBHP event

Hosted by Dr Ellen Fallows, Learning Academy Director and Trustee at the British Society of Lifestyle Medicine and Rohini Bajekal, Nutritionist and Team Member of Plant-Based Health Professionals UK

Accredited for one CPD hour.

Learning Objectives

  1. Participants will know the expanse of evidence underlying links between diet and health outcomes.
  2. Participants will recognise the overlap between diet-related chronic diseases and covid risks/
  3. Participants will understand the use and limitations of grade for assessing evidence, and will understand the importance of alternative metrics.

Click Here for Booking and to Find Out More

You can find us on Instagram @britsoclm @plantbasedhealthprofessionals, on Twitter @plantbasedhpuk and on Facebook.
