Virtual Group Consultations, Lifestyle Medicine and Covid Recovery

Please join us for our next webinar looking at Virtual Group Consultations, Lifestyle Medicine and Covid Recovery.

Over the last 2 years we have been running webinars to share different expertise and experiences on VGCs from around the world.

Chair Beth Frates

Professor Fraser Birrell , VGC’s and Covid Recovery

UK experiences & lessons:

Carla Anderson, Public Health Midwife – VGC Pregnancy Education: the Northumbria Healthcare Experience

Dr Katharine Towers, GP and Group Consultations Lead, City and Hackney CCG – Our VGC portfolio and Lifestyle Medicine

USA experiences & lessons:

Dr Marianne Sumego, MD and Director of Shared Medical Appointments, Cleveland Clinic, Scaling up VGC’s

Mahima Gulati, M.D., M.Sc. ,Director, Lifestyle Medicine Program, Middlesex, VGC’s supporting Lifestyle change

Patient perspective

Denis Collen, NWL Patient Ambassador – The VGC Patient Pathway

Q & A, Group Consultations a flexible approach & Next Steps

Facilitated by Alison Manson, Founder & Training Lead Group Consultations Ltd

click here to register
