24-Hour Breathing Efficiency is the Foundation of the Six Pillars of Lifestyle Medicine – Lifestyle Medicine in Practice

Physicians, Healthcare Professionals, BSLM Members, Patients, Public

Modern living is pushing us away from living as we have been biologically programmed to live and as a consequence increasing number of individuals are not breathing as nature intended. Breathing at rest should use the nose, be quiet, slow and driven by the diaphragm – this is how we have been designed to breathe. Consider how the individual breathes whilst resting, moving and sleeping over a 24-hour period. Breathing efficiently provides the basic foundation for every cell, tissue, organ & system in the body to work efficiently and supports each pillar of lifestyle medicine.

Dr Louise Oliver works as an NHS GP & privately as a Functional Breathing Practitioner & Therapeutic Life Coach teaching others to breathe as nature intended on her retreats, individual and group breathing re-education programmes. Louise became a perimenopausal snorer however after improving her breathing efficiency, her snoring stopped, her sleep, exercise tolerance, stress resilience improved. Louise is passionate to raise awareness that how we breathe over 24-hours impacts health and well-being and we can change how we breathe.

View Dr Louise’s Website!